Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stride Mega Mystery  It seems to be a straightforward rather boring product.  Because of this, many would think that commercials for the gum industry would be rather mundane and boring.  However, this has been quite the opposite.  Many commercials for gum companies have been outrageous and ridiculous in an attempt to attract consumer.

The gum company Stride just launched a new commercial for their Mega Mystery gum, and the commercial holds true to the ridiculous gum commercials.  The commercial features a guy on his Webcam, he is talking to the computer about how he figured out what flavor the Stride mystery flavor is.  At that moment, men riding ostriches break down the walls into the room and start harassing and attacking the man.  Then the message comes on the screen: "Don't reveal the secret flavor of new Stride Mega Mystery.  Or we'll find you."

This commercial is ridiculous to say the least.  I believe it is appealing to teenage audiences with the use of humor and the overall ridiculousness of the ostriches.  I like this commercial because it makes an impact and seeing the men ride down on the ostriches captures the viewer's attention.

Yet another reason why this commercial is successful is it perks the viewer's interest in the product.  After seeing this commercial most people wonder what the Mega Mystery gum tastes like and what the flavor is.  This commercial gives attention to the product.

Also it makes the product assume more interesting than it is.  I have tried the gum before and I did not find to be anything special it tasted fruity but I could not determine what the exact flavor was.  That being said, though the product may not be anything out of the ordinary, this commercial gives a lot of attention to product and makes it appear to be a special product.

All of these reasons show why this is a good commercial and generates interest in the product, and Stride uses humor to resonate with their target.

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