Sunday, September 19, 2010

Facing Uncertainty
With the economic recession, fear about what people should do with their money is at an all-time high.  People are weary of who to trust.  Examples such as Bernie Madoff have proved that even some of the most reputable people cannot be trusted.

The financial group Barclays has played off this fear with their latest commercial.  In the commercial Barclays addresses the idea of uncertainty.  It does this by showing a number of amusing events such as someone walking into an elevator only to find that it is an empty elevator shaft, and someone walking on the sidewalk only to sink into undried cement.

The theme of the commercial is that much of whats ahead of people remains unknown and uncertain, but Barclays is a company with a well-known track record and has been around for 300 years, thus it can be trusted.

The commercial is very entertaining and captivating.  I am impressed by the fact that the commercial is able to take a boring topic such as financial advising into an action-packed and interesting commercial.  However, I do think more could have been done with the commercial.

For instance, only the last four of five seconds commercial mention Barclays or gives any information on the company.  And the information that it does give is rather limited.  If the goal of the commercial is to get people persuaded to make Barclays their financial adviser, the commercial should have given viewers  more information on the company.

Though the commercial is entertaining, it will not persuade many people to invest their money with Barclays because it gives limited information on the company.  In the end, Barclays chose to have an entertaining commercial instead of one that is informative.  And although it may have been entertaining, in the end I do not think it will give them the results they were looking for.

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