Sunday, September 19, 2010

Old Spice, New Ad
For years Axe ruled the deodorant and body wash commercials targeted at young men.  However, recently there has been another brand of deodorant who has their own string of ridiculous commercials to target young male consumers.  Step aside Axe, because Old Spice has now beaten you at your own game.

For the past two years or so, Old Spice has launched ridiculous ads targeted at male teenagers.  Recently Old Spice launched a new commercial with football player Ray Lewis.  The ad is even outrageous by Old Spice's standards.

The ad features Ray Lewis full of bubbles.  As he comes out the shower he begins talking about Old Spice and holds up the body wash.  However as he continues to talk, it becomes clear that outside his window their is a giant raven(ironic because Lewis plays for the Baltimore Ravens).

As the ad continues Lewis throws a saddle onto the giant raven.  He then jumps onto the Raven and flies it into outer space, all while he is covered in bubbles.  The commercial makes no sense and is for lack of a better term, dumb.

But that being said, it nailed its target audience.  This commercial, like all Old Spice commercials is memorable.  And guys will definitely find it funny.  For instance as I was watching the commercial my roommate came up to me and asked me to play it again and began to crack up.

Old Spice also made a very smart move in having Ray Lewis promote the product.  Lewis is known for his tough guy exterior, and is one of the most identifiable football players.  Male viewers will immediately recognize Lewis and his persona matches the persona Old Spice tries to convey.

Overall, this Old Spice commercial will connect with male audiences.  It will stick out in their minds and eventually lead them to remember Old Spice when passing body washes and deodorant at their local convenience store.

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